Newsletter February 2017

Newsletter FEBRUARY 2017

Hello – Here is a short update on our next three events – hope to see you there.

This is a reminder that our next meeting is on Friday 17th February 2017 in Kineton Village Hall at 7.30pm, when Anne Langley will be giving a talk about “Joseph Ashby’s Victorian Warwickshire”.

Anne is secretary of the Stretton History Society. She has published booklets on ‘Victorian Village Life’, ‘Brandon Silk Mill’ and ‘Warwick County Asylum’ and edited a collection of Joseph Ashby’s writing.

Our Annual General Meeting and Supper will be held on Friday 17th March 2017 in Kineton Village Hall at 7.00pm – please note the 7.00pm start.

Julie and Robert Neale will be providing our annual entertainment, singing a variety of folk songs old and new, with guitar accompaniment. 

Isobel will be providing an excellent supper and tickets for the AGM and supper (priced £12.50) will be on sale at the meeting on February 17th, or you can reserve tickets by telephoning Ilona on 01295 670675 or emailing

The April meeting on Friday 21st at 7.30pm is “Spade Husbandry – a History of Campden’s Allotments, presented by Judith Ellis.

Ilona Seckacz

12 February 2017